Horse Riding on DARTMOOR

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Map F5: GIDLEIGH     Printable Version

map north-west map north    
map west Map F5 map east

ENJOYABLE RIDING in old edge of moor landing in old edge of moor lanes, Chagford village, Posh hotels, Horse B&B, Pub


Driving on nearly all roads as narrow & winding, particularly Gidleigh to Chagford area.

River crossing near Leigh 683 878 impassable in flood, only use in very dry weather.

Exposed hole ( old mine shaft on Throwleigh Common( maps ref to be posted)


On the narrow lanes



Chagford is one of Dartmoor’s best villages with lots of pubs and amenities.

Kestor Rock has great views

Interesting old small historic farms

Pub at Wonson

Pretty old Throwleigh village centre.

Extremely Posh Gidleigh Park Hotel (no particular horse facilities)


From top north east corner at driving down reasonable lane from Stickepath and parking just north of Moor farm known locally as Paines Bridge 658 913.

Road into Chagford from East not too bad and then slow going.

Please let us know any good parking places


On moor go EAST

map south-west map south map south-east