Horse Riding on DARTMOOR

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Map E4: Fernworthy Forest     Printable Version

map north-west map north  
map west map east

Wonderful riding avoid to west

Lots of interest, some not obvious inaccessible & areas, Forest, River Dart, Postbridge Village

Going west into blanket bog,

Lots of small bogs

Trying to get through wall close to south of forest as gate is locked


River crossing at Hartyland 643 796 can be difficult

Don’t use route H –Hangingstone Hill except in clear and good weather

Bridle path 643 797west of Hartyland is awkward through boulders


C- Circular Route is mostly easy to follow and is most interesting ride.

H– Via Hangingstone Hill goes deep into the moor and is mostly on a visible green track

Points of Interest:

Postbridge with East dart Inn and paddock & good shop which does take away pasties and tea.

Dramatic River Dart valley

Interesting old sheepfold, recently restored (can temporarily put horses in) 645 809

Grey Wethers stone circles

Ruin of Teignhead Farm

Good lunch stop just inside bridle path into Forest643 843

Views from Sittaford and other Tors

Access/ Parking

by Road on main B3212 where there is parking

(Busy in summer) or by Bridle path through forest.


Generally go EAST

map south-west map south map south-east