Horse Riding on DARTMOOR

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Map E2: Wilsworthy Army Range     Printable Version

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map west map east

Army range takes most of this area, rugged Hare & Sharp Tors with great views, poor ground to east, Interesting army ranges.


Army range when firing, poor ground to the east,


Lots of rocky areas,

Crossing busy main road by Dartmoor inn.


C Circular Route is mostly easy. It avoids the Army range area and can thus always be used. A little awkward to follow around Doe Tor

R- Rattlebrook Route is great in good weather but goes over some softer ground on next map


Exciting Tors with great views

Interesting Army ranges

Access/ Parking

Easy access via main A386 road

In top left corner of map up lane behind Dartmoor Inn is a good spot

In Lydford village is a small car park but full at peak times

Lanes shown are all driveable but very slow and winding and not recommended for boxes.


Generally go WEST

  map south map south-east