Horse Riding on DARTMOOR

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Map E1: Lydford     Printable Version

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Easy riding, busy road

on fair ground, Pubs, Busy main road, Lydford Village.


Army Range area when firing


Crossing busy main road, there are well set back gated entrance areas on the southern stretch and the road is straight but still not nice.

The Lydford village crossing is probably the worst.

Road through Lydford is reasonably quiet but one or two bad bends to watch out on.


C Circular Route is mostly easy to follow.

Points of interest:

Interesting Military installations.

Lydford House, just east of Lydford - B&B and holidays for Horses & Riders

Elephants nest pub at Horndon has paddock

Lydford- excellent Castle Inn, EX20 4BH 01822 820241 now (2012) with horse facilities.& enthusiastic new horsey owner Hooray!

Interesting Old Wheal Betsy Mine

Riding centre at Cholwell.

Note: Mucky Duck Inn west of Lydford now closed.

Lydford Gorge (on foot only) National Trust Beauty Spot.

Access/ Parking

Easy access via main A386 road

In top right corner of map up lane behind Dartmoor Inn is a good spot but very narrow entrance TRAILERS ONLY

In Lydford village is a small car park but full at peak times

1 mile south of Lydford SX 518 834 on A386 just as you get to open moor – good parking for a few lorries & trailers well off but not fenced

  map south-east