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Map D6: Widecombe Printable Version |
Pleasant mixed riding Very pleasant mixed riding,Tors, High Hills, steep valleys & roads, good pub and Widecombe village, Shilstone Rocks riding centre, AVOID: Southcombe hill very steep715 765,Widecombe Hill from East ,Widecombe can get very busy in Season, TAKE CARE: Down lots of steep hills, get off and walk if necessary ROUTES: not described βfind your own way Attractions: Widecombe with lots of Cafes and shops, Rugglestone Inn 765 721, lovely traditional pub in quiet location with tie rails. Shilstone Rocks Riding Centre and Dartmoor Pony breeding stud. Views from Hamel down Hound or impressive rocks and has ice cream van in summer. Access/ Parking: Road access via (brown) B3387 from Bovey is quite good, lane up from south east corner745 735 is not quite as good but the best from that direction and is good over to join the B3387. Other lanes mixed, some very narrow and steep. Parking areas as shown and also in Widecombe but packed in summer.