Horse Riding on DARTMOOR

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Map D5: Dartmeet      Printable Version

map north-west map north map north-east  
map west Map d5# map east

Pleasant mixture:

pleasant mostly easy riding, patches of moorland and sheltered lanes. some difficult river crossings


Bridlepath 672 733south of Dartmeet except when very dry


River Crossings can be difficult at Laughter Hole 663 757, Brimpts 673 747 and Dartmeet as above

Along route C on the short leg of main road at 665 735

Steep ground below Yar Tor

Dartmeet very busy in season

Dartmeet, hill to the east is very steep


C Circular Route is mostly easy to follow.

Access/ Parking:

Generally accessible from many directions, Parking at Sherberton Common 693 732 and a little near Runnage Bridge 672 787. The Car park at Dartmeet is usually very busy. 

Points of interest:

Views from Corndon Tor

Dartmeet has huge Café, car park & Ice Cream van but very busy in season

Dabeny –riding centre

map south-west map south