Horse Riding on DARTMOOR

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Map B3: Lee Moor    Printable Version

map north-west map north map north-east  
map west map b3 map east

Clay Pits edge of hills. Mostly good riding but some rocky and boggy areas, views from Tors, dramatic clay pits, poor ground into moor to north -west, limited access points, trekking stables, Popular walking area


Poor ground to north west beyond Shavercombe head, can be very wet and tiring, Parking near Scout Hut (v. limited space).Boggy ground south of Trowlesworthy Tors


Heavy china clay lorries on roads near clay works. Watch route carefully on Bridlepath through claypits.


Circular Route C is mostly easy to follow on open moor part but note it follows old boundary work wall in a north south direction south of where it crosses the river Plym, this crossing may be harder to find in poor visibility

Points of Interest

Some good Riding Tin Park Riding Stables, popular large set up with American style BBQ ranch area. Both beginners and experienced riders with own horses some who do long distance rides.

Access /Parking:

Best via Yelverton to Cornwood Road and easy Parking at Cadover Bridge main car park and another small 200m approx north of the Bridge, however both are “exposed†and can be very busy indeed.


Generally go west, south of River Plym find wall or track around claypits and follow.