Horse Riding on DARTMOOR

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Map B2: Cadover Bridge    Printable Version

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EDGE OF MOOR, pockets of open ground, plenty of pubs


Boggy “dogleg” on bridle path across clay works at SX 564631(Imerys have agreed can go “straight” instead

Steep and slippery road SX 545 667 go around instead


Heavy china clay lorries on roads near clay works, drivers are usually considerate to horses,

Cadover bridge area – very busy tourist spot on high days and holidays.

Children and dogs around busy car parks.

Going across bridle path across clay pits, there is an unfenced pit to north

Boggy (not obvious) NW of Cadover Bridge, go between wall and cross SX 554646

Points of interest

Cadover Bridge,easy riding across river bed when not in flood Ice cream van in summer

Good riding on isolated patches of moor moorland including Wotter Common to Saddlesborough, Wigford down with lookout at Dewerstone, Clearbrook, Ringmoor Down

Lots of pubs: Moorland Inn at Wotter SX 548 625, very horse friendly, Paddock and tie rails 01752 839228. Can stay overnight at reasonable rates

Clearbrook; Pub SX 523 757 Tie rails but can be busy, Shaugh Prior – Pub Meavy Royal Oak SX 561 674 quiet village, 4 tie rings next to green.

Access / Parking:

Best via Yelverton to Cornwood Road and easy Parking at Cadover Bridge main car park and another small 200m approx north of the Bridge, however both are “exposed” and can be very busy indeed.