Horse Riding on DARTMOOR

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Map A4_5: Bittaford    Printable Version

map north-west map north map north-east  
  Map A4_5  


open grassland -views - good tracks. Mostly grass on easy contoured hills. Lots of good access points and most green tracks clearly visible, ground gets poorer to north. Southern part is perhaps the best riding on south west moor.


Un- ride able bridle path below Shipley Bridge, steep banks of upper Erme River, poor ground north of Three Barrows (except can follow boundary stones north when dry, River Erme impassable in flood


Difficult Crossing Bala Brook west of Avon Filtration works, on west side, follows hoof prints exactly as boggy adjacent. Alternative route is on roads via Ball Gate and up to Shipley Bridge, a detour of 4m. Beware of broken manhole covers on old pipeline running west of Red Lake track


Circular route C is easy to follow and lots of places to enter or exit. River Erme route E starts here and easily follows old dismantled tramway (Puffing Billy Track) north.Track is mainly gravel, sometimes stoney,on this map can ride grass to side but further north cannot in places for long stretches.

Points of interest:

Good riding particularly south of Three Barrows, The old Red Lake disused tramway (railway) track, known locally as the Puffing Billy Track gently inclines up to Red Lake for 8m. Tor Rocks – a pretty picnic stop Views from Tors particularly Three Barrows Toilets & Ice Cream (summer) at Shipley Bridge Pottery Moorhaven Horse B& B 01752 892411 Pub at Bittaford, but down steep Hill and has no horse facilities. Access / Horse box Parking: Though lots of good access points, no particularly good parking places. The Roads to Harford Moor Gate; Shipley Bridge not recommended. Thanks: To Lukesland Estate for allowing us to show river crossing across their newtake at Higher Piles – please do not tie up to or damage any of the ancient trees.


Find the Puffing Billy Red Lake track / generally GO SOUTH